6061 white aluminium roll belongs to the heat treated alloy aluminum roll, which features good formability, weldability and machinability. 6061 white aluminium roll has the features of medium strength, which can keep the good Operability after the state of annealing. The main alloy of 6061 aluminum roll is including Magnesium and silicon. If adds a certain amount of manganese and chromium, can neutralize the bad effect of iron; Sometimes also add a small amount of copper or zinc, in order to improve the strength of the alloy 6061 white aluminium roll, and not decrease its corrosion resistance. In order to improve the machinability, can add some Lead and Bismuth. 6061-T651 is the main alloy of 6061 alloy aluminum roll, which is the high quality aluminum roll alloy produced by heat treatment pre stretching process. Though the strength of 6061 white aluminium roll can not be better than 2xxx and 7xxx series aluminum roll, the processing performance, welding and electroplating, corrosion resistance, toughness and deformation, dense material performance and polish, color film, oxidation effect are better than 2xxxx and 7xxx seris aluminum roll..