Following are the classification of aluminium sheet which is classified by the content of elements. Pure aluminium sheet 1XXX in which the content of aluminum is above 99.00% is with good performance on conductivity on heat and corrosion resistance. aluminium sheet 2XXX in which the content of copper is the main element is with good performance on cutability, high intensity, but low corrosion resistance. The aluminium sheet 3XXX in which the manganese is the main element is with high intensity, good corrosion resistance and also, the conductivity on heat is better than the one of pure aluminium sheet 1XXX . Aluminium sheet 4XXX is mainly contains silicon is with good heat resistance and wear-resisting. Aluminium sheet 5XXX which mainly contains magnesium is with medium intensity, corrosion resistance and good welding character. Aluminium sheet 6XXX in which the main elements are magnesium and silicon and the strength phase being the Mg2Si is with great medium intensity structure alloy and good welding character and process ability. Aluminium sheet 7XXX which mainly contains zinc has high intensity, corrosion resistance but low welding character. It is good to applied in high intensity materials. Aluminium sheet 8XXX in which the main elements are other alloy elements are mainly used on bottle cap etc.

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